Add Contact to Multiple Lists

Hi. I use the API 3 to add Lists to Contacts.

If I need to add Multiple Lists to a Contact do I then need to call the service Multiple times?
In my example I need to add a Contact to 3 Lists when I create the Contact, so it would be nice if I could do it without callling the service 1 time for each List.

I have only successfully added the Contact to 1 List at the time.

Hi @johannesfog, welcome to our community forum! A member of our Developer team will get back to you with an answer to your question shortly. Stay tuned and thank you for your patience :slight_smile:

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Hello @johannesfog,

At this time the contactLists endpoint only supports adding a contact to a single list at a time. If you need to add a Contact to more than one list with this endpoint, it will require multiple API calls.

If you would like to do everything with a single API call, the contact_add or contact_sync v1 API endpoints support this. We are striving to continuously improve the v3 APIs and we hope to offer this functionality in the v3 APIs in the future.

Thank you,

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Is this feature available now?