I am creating requests using Active Campaign API on Pipedream (which is an integration platform in the cloud) and run into an issue with hitting the Add Contact to an Automation endpoint.
The requests seems to be very easy to create with only the contactAutomation including Contact and Automation ids. I created the automation manually. When I hit the endpoint it returns.
“message”: “Could not create SubscriberSeries”
What could be going wrong? The automation is simple too, it is triggered by an Interested in Product 1 tag been added and sends an email with a coupon to the contact.
Hi Serge! I’m a big fan of Pipedream. Which API endpoint are you using from Pipedream to trigger your automation? Are you calling the API to add a tag to a contact?
Hi @lionofjudah, were you able to resolve this? This error code usually indicates an issue with the automation or contact that is being added. The most common cause for this issue is when the target automation is “inactive”. You can check if this is active by logging into your ActiveCampaign account and viewing the automation there.
If this does not resolve your issue I would recommend contacting our support team and providing the automation and contact IDs that you are using for the API call, as they would be able to provide specific details to your situation.
I had the same error message thrown at me , in my case it seemed that my message inside the automation wasn’t published. So I’m hoping that’s the mistake
(The ids can be sent as either strings, or integers)
This will add the contact with id123 to automation with the id of 12.
The most common error is a 422 with the returned body: { "message": "Could not create SubscriberSeries" }
This error is caused in three different ways:
The contact id is incorrect/does not exist
The automation id is incorrect/does not exist
The automation is set to “inactive” ie: The automation has been turned off.
Hi, I’m currently running into this issue as well. I’ve checked to make sure both values are valid, and the automation is set to “active”. However, I’m still getting the 403. Has anyone experienced this outside of the three issues listed above?