Add bulk contacts to Deals?

I don’t have just a handful of contacts that are leads. I want to import large lists of people that I want to include in my pipeline. How can I do this?

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You can create an automation that does this and then bulk add a group of contacts to that automation.

First, you’d create the automation. The automation doesn’t need a trigger (because we’re going to bulk add them in the last step of this process). The action would be Add Deal. You can find it here:

Second, you’d do an advanced search for the contacts you want to create deals for. You might have a certain tag you used or they might be on a certain list. But, the advanced search functionality is robust enough you should be able to pinpoint the exact group you want deals created for. Here’s more information on how to do an Advanced Search:

Lastly, you’d use the Bulk Editor to add that group of contacts to the automation you created. Here’s more information on how to use the Bulk Edtior:

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Exactly what I was looking for, thanks!

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