Access Activities Log & Lead Scoring via API

i’m building a simple marketing dashboard, one of datasource is from active campaign, i’m looking for way if i can retrieve Activities Log (Email, Site & Event Tracking) and also Lead Scoring via API

At this moment, i can’t find it… hope you guys can enlighten me


Hey @Viktor_Iwan,

We have the track_event_list -

“Check if event tracking is enabled, and see what events have already been logged.”

and the track_site_list -

and the campaign_report_totals API endpoints, that is probably a good place to start -

“Obtain all totals for a specific campaign, including links, forwards, opens, bounces, etc. This only provides the total amount. To view specific data, use the campaign_report_DATA_list API methods. To view data in a certain date range, you must supply both the sdate and ldate parameters.”

For site and event tracking you could also roll your own relatively easily from scratch or with a tool like Segment

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Hello with track_site_list it only return “Check if site tracking is enabled, and see what domains are currently whitelisted.”

If you looking on the platform, there is such user history which explain pages that our subscriber visit… can i retrieve that log for further process ?

Hi @Viktor_Iwan,

I will ask our dev team to 2x check, but I dont believe so. That would be something you would need to setup with a 3rd party app like Segment, or check out, that might have what you are after.


Just so I understand, we can’t access individual contact’s metrics via APIs?

If so, how can a third party tool track opens and clicks for individual contact’s?



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Hey @automatico,

You can get a lot of information from the campaign_report_totals API endpoint, which is different than site tracking (which is in-site pageviews).

That is where a third party is probably getting a lot of that information.

as activecampaign use services from, is it possible for me to integrate data collected by activecampaign

to be honest, i prefer to data sources as minimum as possible… because it could lead to data disappearancy that can confuse user

for example i track page visit of a user via provider x and compare to site tracking done by activecampaign… its very possible the number will be different

Yes, we have a Segment integration, so you are able to install segment on your site and activate the ActiveCampaign segment integration.

Then you are able to ship all of those site tracking events to ActiveCampaign, as well as any of the other Segment integrations – including custom ones like a separate DB.

We always value your feedback, so I would encourage you to submit your idea for the site tracking api calls to ActiveCampaign Ideas