AC Website - Mobile Use Or App

Are there any plans for an app for general AC use?

For example: creating emails, updating contacts with tags, creating and editing automation, and any other things we can do online in our AC account on a computer? This would be extremely valuable.

Currently it’s really painful to use AC on mobile (one big issue is that you can’t collapse the menus that are in the sidebar).

Please! Any insight on if this is in the works would be great. Or even if the website could be updated to work better on mobile.


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Hey Chris! Sorry we missed this when it was originally published, but in the spirit of providing insight on this question, I am more than happy to let you know that we now do have a mobile app for you to use and get the most out of your ActiveCampaign account!

With the mobile app, you’ll be able to view and manage your tasks, deals, contacts, accounts, check your reports and even perform some actions like resending a campaign. I will attach our detailed article for you to have more insights and give it a try: HERE.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us with any further questions!