AC 404 page returns status code 200

I have a problem with the ActiveCampaign Pages feature.

Recently we were alerted that our sales page hosted by AC showed a 404 Not Found error page. This was odd because I hadn’t received any notice from UptimeRobot that the page was down, but I checked it out and sure enough our sales page was showing “400 Not Found”

Digging into the problem, it turns out that (currently) ActiveCampaign’s 404 page returns status code 200-OK, so UptimeRobot assumed everything was fine.

I’ve been in contact with a support rep about this HTML-101 level technical bug, and have not been successful with getting them to understand the core issue, and they’re refusing to elevate the ticket. Their stance is that “unless you can show me this occurring on page load or within your site via screencast, then it’s not a problem.” I’m pretty certain that if I created a broken link and clicked it they’d just say “well you didn’t create the page, so of course that will error.” They’re completely missing the point.

Are there any dev-friendly CS reps in these forums that can help me out? I’m asking for AC to fix a pretty rudimentary problem. 404 error pages should return status code 404, not 200. That way, uptime monitor applications can reliably report problems.

Hi @propelhq,

I’m sorry to hear about the troubles you were having. I just checked up on this, and this was a known bug that has now been resolved. Please do let me know if you’re still running into any challenges here, I’m happy to help. :slight_smile: