5 mins for request to complete

I’m trying to call the api v3 with this
curl --request GET
–url https://youraccountname.api-us1.com/api/3/contacts/id

Application was having trouble, so I put it in postman.
Took 5 mins to finish?

Is there something going on with the API, other calls are really quick

470 ms to complete

Get requests to https://{{yourAccountName}}.api-us1.com/api/3/contacts/2 using Postman is taking 230-500ms to complete. Are you still seeing this issue?

Hi dneal, sorry have been sick.
Yes it is still taking a long time for me. Just took over 3 mins to complete.

Sorry to hear you’ve been sick! I hope you get to feeling better soon!

This sounds like a performance issue with your account. I suggest you open a support ticket so that someone in our operations can investigate.