3rd party email list cleaning?

Hi everyone,

What do people in the AC community think about 3rd-party email list cleaning services such as TowerData or others?

example of TowerData’s service: http://www.towerdata.com/email-validation/validate-email-addresses?utm_campaign=Email+Validation&utm_source=hs_email&utm_medium=email&utm_content=22856714&_hsenc=p2ANqtz-93pHH--saRSaGCx0hRQhD3OCLmvRGjVNS64c86AyT1C0DS_FyFrzqS44u_LuY8VRpttt0ZBmk7YV_e87tB98KSWmGxVw&_hsmi=22856714


Hi @santafeway!

I’ve also heard that http://www.briteverify.com/ is a good alternative!

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There are many good alternative for email verification. You can find the Best Email Verification Provider with in-depth comparison and analysis. You can use their API on your website forms where you collect data. You can also upload a CSV file with your email list and get it cleaned.

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