Your opinion is greatly appreciated, help please!

Hi everyone,

I’m reaching out for help as I’m feeling a bit stuck. We’ve been sending two emails to our entire database (which has gradually grown to around 40k) for a year. The open rate has always been around 20-25%, while the conversion rate has been very low, never exceeding 1%. Sometimes we generate up to 1k in revenue from a single campaign, but other times there’s none.

A month ago, I started creating segments (engaged 30, 60, 90,etc, cross-sell) and now I’ve noticed a decrease in both revenue and metrics. Does anyone have any ideas why this might be happening? I’ve also built a couple of automations with good metrics, but people are not converting, even though I repurposed some of the previous content that generated decent revenue.

A bit about the company I work for: we specialize in lead generation, focusing on free quote requests and connecting customers with installers in their area.

I would really appreciate hearing different opinions.

Thank you!

Hi @holmesmedia - thanks for reaching out to us! There are a lot of different kinds of reasons you might be seeing this - I’ll try to give you a few common ideas below to help you investigate.

  • Are the new messages from the same alias, and sending at the same time of day/cadence? Sometimes, changing who a message comes from/the time you hit inboxes can cause a change in behavior with your contacts
  • Is it possible that contacts are engaging in different segments, and then immediately being pulled into others, resulting in more messages/calls to action?
  • Have you experienced a dip in engagement in other messages you send, or just this sequence? If other messages are also seeing dips or lowered engagement, it might be a good idea to check your domain reputation, and make sure there is nothing else potentially affecting your sending. I like Postmaster Tools from Google, which is free.

Hopefully, some of those common causes can help you identify something that will help you take action - if you’re still having trouble, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us or follow up so we can help you take a closer look!

Hi @alibby,

Hi @alibby,

Thanks for your response!

To address your questions:

  1. The messages are from the same alias, but I’ve been testing different times of the day. We’ve been sending emails at the same times for almost a year, so I’m exploring optimization options.

  2. Are you referring to the use of these messages in automations?

In the past week, I’ve focused on targeting the most engaged contacts, which has increased open rates (OR) and click rates (CR), but there have been no conversions. Do you have any insights into what might be causing this?

I’ve installed the Postmaster tool, and the domain reputation is ‘medium.’ Should I concentrate on engaging the most active contacts over the next month to improve our reputation? Perhaps I’m misinterpreting the data.

Thanks again for your help with this!


Thanks, @holmesmedia, this is all really helpful context - you’ve done a good job digging into some of this data! :slight_smile:

Medium domain reputation indicates that most messages should have high deliverability, but some messages may be seen as spam…if you haven’t already, it might be a good idea to check any spam reports on the new campaigns as I’m wondering if any of the new sending might have prompted a contact to mark a message as spam…depending on the numbers you’re sending to, a few spam reports could have a big impact on sending to a new segment. Knowing that overall we have good engagement, I’m a little less concerned about this, but it might still be good to keep in mind, should we identify anything else we can act on there. The main reason we might see a medium reputation tends to be sending to disengaged contacts, so you can often impact your reputation over time by continuing to target your most engaged segments.

Depending on how you’re sending to the new segments, I do wonder if it’s possible some contacts are receiving more messages than they previously did…this might be caused by contacts being pulled into several new automations simultaneously, or if we are sending several campaigns out at once to different segments, we might have some overlap we didn’t intend…that kind of experience can dilute conversions, even for very engaged contacts.

If you haven’t already, I’d definitely recommend reaching out to our team to share a few old and new campaign examples so we can assist you in reviewing this data and see if we can help catch anything that might help explain some of what you’ve been seeing. You can also request to meet with someone on our team for a call so we dig in together and help review this in more depth!