Will "older" Contacts receive Mails when I write new Mails in an campaign?

Hi there,

I have a question that is may be asked a lot. I also searched an half hour now to prevent double content.

So the question I have, I used the german KlickTipp before and there when I build an email follow up and when I wrote an new email and the contact that has end the automation / follow up also received the mail. They called it “Waiting at the open end”


Email - 1 (already written) Contact A (will get all emails down here)
Email - 2 (already written)
Email - 3 (already written)
4 no mail written as Contact B passes by
Contact B is already 10 days old
Email - Day 4 written on day 9 Contact B will also receive the mail.

So I just want to start ad’s, have already written 3 mails, and will write the next follow ups mails, when I have the next time or idea BUT Contact B has also to get them.

All I found is that I have work with goals, but these makes no sence for me, because every mailing system I used, I could do this just by adding the next mail without workaround. Or should I use campaign?

Thx for your help.

Hi @alternativewhrung,

The easiest way to accomplish what you want is using goals within automations. Goals are definitely a bit more tricky, but are worth digging into more.

Did you see this conversation during your searches: How do I cap the number of automation emails a contact is sent each day/week?

If not, go ahead and check it out. If you already saw that conversation though, let me know and I will suggest a few other alternatives.



Hi alternativewhrung,

Biannca here from our CX team. I wanted to add on top of Perry’s message for anyone that comes across this - using Goals would be a good approach but is can get a bit messy.

  • If you’re using Goals, it would be best to have drafted your emails first and then allow the contacts to naturally jump to the Goal when they meet the goal condition.

My alternative recommendation would be to add a wait step (e.g. wait 14 days) as a buffer after Email 3. Once Email 4 has been written, you can reduce the wait step time (e.g. down to 1 hour) to allow the contact to naturally pass through (Since the contact has waited longer than the new wait time, the contact will proceed onwards in a few minutes).

  • For more information modifying wait steps, see our help guide.

Please don’t hesitate to reply back out or email us at help@activecampaign.com if you have any further questions.