When to use "Wait until is not currently in an automation"

When would be a useful time to use “wait until is not currently in an automation?” I inherited an automation (screenshot below) and realize everyone gets stuck here (5881 queued), because, well, they are in an automation.

So in my case, they are in the “Master - Outreach Flow” automation, so this wait will be…forever? But my understanding is any time this wait condition would be used, they would be inside an automation.

I think to fix my bug, I can change to “wait until not in automation #27 - XXXXX” and that solves the problem. So my 2 main questions:

  1. Will releasing 5,881 from the queue at once cause any problems inside Active Campaign?
  2. When is a practical time to use the “wait until is not currently in automation?” Meaning, when would this condition be true, if it is always used inside an automation?


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Hey Jim! Sorry we missed this when it was originally published, but in the spirit of providing insight on this question, I’ll be happy to take a look!

That totally makes sense. Now, when it comes to that specific condition, it is meant for you to check on a specif automation. So for example, the perfect use case would be when you want to check or wait your contact is not currently in “x” automation, meaning another automation that you have in your account. It works well when you have two automations that might be linked or related, and you want to check if your contact are or not in the other one. So ideally, it is recommended for you to be more specific and select an option, rather than just “any automation”, which can potentially become in this type of issue. Given your set-up, we have to determine the goal of your contact to achieve with this automation and re structure the wait steps to better fit your needs. Don’t hesitate to contact us so we can review it together. Happy to help!