Using Offsets in RSS Feeds

Hi theree, is there any way to use offsets in RSS feeds? This would make it easier to give (for example) the first item a different layout than the rest.

I’d like to be able to include two RSS feeds, where I would set the first feed to grab just one and the second feed to grab 9 but starting with the 2nd item.

Layout wise I could perhaps use nth-item CSS to accomplish something similar, but this sounds like something that just asks to be ignored bij email clients.

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Hey Gyurka! Sorry we missed this when it was originally published, but in the spirit of providing insight on this question, I’ll be happy to take a look!

When it comes to setting up multiple RSS feeds, the best way to go about this is through an automation.

  1. You’ll need to first add an RSS Update start trigger for each RSS feed in the email, and then check for the update.

  2. A regular campaign can have multiple RSS feeds added to it, because it is not scheduled by the RSS feed updating, but rather through Send Now or scheduling of a campaign through the automation.

Keep us posted if you have any other questions, happy to help!