
I propose that the default unsubscription is to the campaign list and not to all lists, in order to reduce the impact on other lists

Hi @uc122, have you submitted this idea to our Product team? If not, you can do that here: https://bit.ly/34pf81m

Hey @uc122.
It works this way now. If you have a contact that is List A and List B then send a campaign to everyone on List B, if the contact unsubscribes, they’ll be removed from List B but not List A.
Automations are different as it depends on how the trigger is setup.

How do automations trigger the setup?

I am very frustrated with this. Many of my contacts are rendered “unsubscribed” or “unavailable” for emailing, with no “unsubscribe” request from either them or me. They are merely “timed out” by ActiveCampaign because of an arbitrary date, so there is no way I can get back in touch with them to see if they are still interested.

Ok. You didn’t mention that contacts were being unsubscribed for no apparent reason. If so, you really need to contact support. However, to answer your question. I do this two ways. One is to put subscribers into an automation based on their being subscribed to a list. I have several but one is an education series. If they unsubscribe from one of these emails, then they’re only unsubscribed from that list. Not my main list.

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