I have two lists.
- Main List: used to send marketing and sales messages
- Customer List: resevred for customers so I can contact them about
Sales leads are added to the Main List. Customers are added to the Main List and the Customer List.
This is a pretty standard setup and is designed this way so that if someone unsubscribed from the Main list (i.e. they dont want marketing emails anymore) you can still contact them about critial product information using the Customer List.
I also include “Unsubscribe from emails about X or unsubscribe from all emails” in my unsubscribe text. The first link removes a tag from that contact and stops that particular sales automation sequence, the second link removes them from the Main List alltogether.
This is great - people can segment themseleves off a particular sequence if they’re not interested in that content by clicking the first link. Or they can unsubscribe from all marketing emails by clicking the secondd link. And I will still have their email in a seperate customer list if I need to contact them about critical updates.
But I have just discovered talking with support that clicking “unsubscribe” in an autmation email will take them off the ALL lists. This happens regardless if %UNSUBSCRIBELINK%&ALL or %UNSUBSCRIBELINK% is used.
This seems like a major oversight. When sending a normal email campaign we can choose which list they are unsubscribed from (it will take them off the list from which it was sent, not all lists). So why can’t we choose this when sending automations?
Has anyone found a solution to this?