Calling all Automation Wizards!

Tell us about an automation that you love. Maybe it’s taken tasks off your plate, saved you time, or created a great customer experience. Maybe it’s just cool!
Include a screenshot of the automation and tell us why it’s a game changer for your business.
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Hi there!
An automation that has really helped start us off on the right foot by learning about our audience is an interest tagging automation using a list box. I created an email sign up form and added a list box with all of the different programs that we offer so users can check off each program they’re interested in. With this automation, each user is tagged as each program they checked off, or all of them if they checked “all”.
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@niucpe1 - this is great!! Do you use or plan to use these tags for segmenting in the future? You’ll also be set up to show certain content in an email depending on someone’s interest tags, you can use conditional content to do this. Thank you for sharing!