Splittest for sending time


I would like to check which sending time is the best for our campaigns. Is there a way to make a splittest with different sending times? Thank you!

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Hey Sven! Sorry we missed this when it was originally published, but in the spirit of providing insight on this question, I’ll be happy to take a look!

Given your setup, I believe the best way to go about this will be through an automation. The split test campaign is mostly used to test different versions of one campaign based on design. Now, there is also the split test action in your automations. This will help you to split your contacts and create different paths for each. In that case, you can set up a different wait condition for each of the sections and test the different sending times. HERE is how that works.

Keep us posted with any further questions!

also note that a second send of the exact same creative has a bias for being better delivered, esp if the first send had a high engagement.