Spam Check: 1 pts Make lots of money!


I am facing a challenge with the spam check on one of my emails. II am getting the following message: 1 pts Make lots of money! as you can see below:

I haven’t seen this case yet before on this forum. Would anybody be able to help?

Thank you!

@wwfsingapore297 This is most likely because you have money-related language in your email like “profit”, “cash”, or “revenue” or “lucrative”. I can’t say for sure without looking at the specific campaign.

We use a 3rd party tool called SpamAssasin to run this spam check and it uses a very complex set of algorithms to look for patterns of text that may be identified as spam.

Please note that this is just a warning, and doesn’t necessarily mean your deliverability will suffer. If you are sending good content to good lists you can generally ignore these warnings.

If you want to be extra careful, I’d recommend experimenting with sections of text to see what triggers the warning and what doesn’t.

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Hey wwfsingapore297,

Biannca here from the CX team, I just wanted to share this information for anyone that comes across this thread.

We have a table in this guide that sheds some insights into the spam check messages and words/content that might trigger the specific spam checker message from our 3rd party platform.

Please don’t hesitate to reply back out or email us at if you have any further questions.