Segments Manager is coming soon - and it looks really good

Segments are getting a MAJOR glow-up, very soon.

The new Segments management and features are NOT in your accounts yet.

But you’ll see AC being a bit excited about this via socials and emails…

And… I’m excited too!

Like, for real, dance around the kitchen in my AC swag singing a happy automation geek song - that level of excited ! :dancer:t2:

Stay tuned to our emails for my first-look video, coming soon.

AC have worked hard on this for a very long time, with a lot of influential input from Customer Advisory Board members, me included.

It’s looking very promising so far.

This will totally blow the lid off what we’ve been able to do with Segments in AC.

I’m exploring via Early Access, and omg… wow!

ActiveCampaign Academy members head to our What’s New board for sneaky peeks into what’s coming - sosoooooooo excited!