Remover e-mail de automação ativa

Olá, pessoal!

Gostaria de remover um email que não faz mais sentido na minha régua automática, porém mantendo os dados de engajamento deste email no relatório da automação. É possível?

¡Hola! Parece que le gustaría eliminar un correo electrónico del envío dentro de una automatización… ¿es correcto? ¿A qué te refieres con conservar los datos de seguridad de la campaña? ¿Te refieres a los informes y envíos de campañas anteriores? Si no le importa aclararme, ¡estaré encantado de ayudarle a identificar algunas opciones para usted! Solo quiero asegurarme de que estoy dando prioridad a guardar los detalles correctos para usted. :slight_smile:

*The response above has been written using Google Translate. Below you can find the English version.

Hello! It sounds like you would like to remove an email from the send within an automation… is that correct? What you mean by keep the security details for the campaign? Do you mean the previous campaign reports and sends? If you don’t mind clarifying, I’d be happy to help identify some options for you! Just want to make sure I’m prioritizing saving the correct details for you. :slight_smile:

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Hi Nicole. I’m trusting Google translate to understand your question. In my experience, you can delete an email from an automation without affecting the automation performance report. When emails are deleted from an automation, they remain associated with that automation. You can see deleted email by selecting the Manage Emails button in the top right hand corner. As long as you don’t delete the emails displayed in this modal, the email performance will be counted in the overall automation performance report. Make sure you try this for yourself so you can be confident the solution meets your need. I hope this helps. Cheers. Shane.

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Está correto, Shane! Exclui o email da automação e o resultado do envio se mantém nos relatórios. Obrigada pela ajuda!