Recurring Email - 1st & 3rd Tuesday of the month

Hi, how would I set up an email that is send on the first and third Tuesday of the month? I know how to send one-offs, and I can see how to set up an automation where is sends every 14 days but unfortunately a month is not exactly 4 weeks. How can I set it up to send a reminder email to my vendors on those Tuesdays?

Many thanks x M


Make an automation:

  1. Wait until current weekday is Thursday AND current day of the month is lower or equal to 7
  2. Send mail
  3. Wait for two weeks
  4. Send mail
  5. goto 1.

then send all contacts via bulk edit into the automation manually. If you want new subscribers to enter, too, use the trigger of subscription

Cheers Chono


Hey renovatingmumssydney and Chono,

Biannca here from our CX team, I wanted to update this thread for anyone that comes across it.

Aside from the workaround that Chono provided, you can create an automation like this:

In this automation, you pretty use a series of conditional wait steps, ‘making’ the contact wait until the first and/or third Tuesday of the month and so on.

Please don’t hesitate to reply back out or email us at if you have any further questions.

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