Recovering Bounced Emails

Hi all,

One question or if anoyone found the way of how to deal with the bounced emails. I exported all bounces from all my lists and am thinking of how could I recovert those email addresses? For example, if the reason was “Email box full” I could assign those contact again to the specific list and unmark them with bounced mark.

Does anyone has any tips or if anyone has tried or thought of same logic of how to recover those bounced emails? I know that they get marked automatically in Active Campaign as bounced, but there should be way how to recover back those emails, right? I know the only option would be with double opt in, but if this is not the case how else should this work out?

Thank you for any tips!


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I’d also like to know about this.

Hey Denis ( igopromo53697) and costengineering,

Biannca here from our CX team, sorry we missed this when it was originally published.

In the spirit of providing insight on this question, when there’s hard bounce contact, only our our Customer Experience Team can ‘recover’/ make the contacts active again so you can email to them.

Resubscribing a hard bounced contact to a list manually within your account will not successfully update the address as valid.

For more information on Bounces, see our help guide.

Please don’t hesitate to reply back out if you have any further questions.