Pricing + Packaging FAQs

You may have received a notification about a change to our pricing and packaging…

We know there will be lots of questions as you adjust through this transition, and our team is here to help!

Here are a few questions you may have right off the bat:

How can I see my new pricing?
Admins will be able to view their new pricing options and current plan in their billing area within their account(s).

When will my pricing change?
Please review your email and account details for a specific timeline.

What if I didn’t receive an email?
All accounts with a plan or price update have been notified via email to the account owner. If you haven’t received an email, there are no changes to your account at this time. Please get in touch with us anytime if you have additional questions or want to double-check.

What options are available to stay with the same price?
When you receive notification of your migration plan, please review your plan and all the changes with your package and pricing within your billing portal in-app (details will be provided via email). At that time, you can adjust your plan and choose a different option if you wish.

How is pricing becoming more accessible?

  • We are offering a new, lower starting price.
  • We’re adding in contact bands to streamline upgrades and offer more flexibility for new customers.
  • Our CRM will be available as an add-on for three tier options, Plus, Pro, and Enterprise.
  • We’re reducing our seat requirements.

Please note: What you see on the website may not be what you are offered. We encourage you to wait for your email and the billing portal when it becomes available before making any determinations about your account.

Questions and comments are welcome below or via DM.