Opt-in checkbox in WooCommerce checkout don't work

When a customer completes a purchase and checks the checkbox to agree to receive commercial communications at the checkout, the automation in ActiveCampaign is triggered to subscribe the user to the assigned list. Unfortunately, for the past few weeks, regardless of the choice made by the user, the automation behaves as if the checkbox has not been selected.

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We have the same massive problem:

The massive problem of AC and this plugin is:
This plugin adding optin form to checkout page. But when user subscribe newsletter from this box in checkout page: the customer will not receive any double optin email.’

To handle this you need to create a extra automation to send double optin email. And you also need to create extra double optin email for this automation. And another massive problem: emails via automation have delay.

Its feeling to work with beta product which cost 0€.
The support stuck in our questions: sometimes they say: its possible to send double optin email for contacts from this form without need to create automation (but they do not say how) and sometimes the say: its not possible, you need an automation.

We stuck in this issues now many weeks and also 4 clients already cancled their accounts based on this delay and issue.

I hope someone can help here.

Hey Rudy! Sorry we missed this when it was originally published, but in the spirit of providing insight on this question, I’ll be happy to take a look!

When it comes to the WooCommerce integration, the double opt-in feature works different compared to when using our regular double opt-in form option.

Since this also involves an external source (WooCommerce), ActiveCampaign does not immediately add new syncs from WooCommerce to a list. That is you why you must set up an automation to do that. With the segment, “Has opted into marketing,” an automation can tell whether the contact checked the WooCommerce “Opt-in” box and subscribe the contact accordingly.

Now, the automation that you set up seems like a great idea, please gather a few examples where this is not working as expected and feel free to share them with our Support Team so we can take a closer look and find the best option for you!