Multiple Clients - Create Multiple Accounts or Use master lists

Hi, I am moving into AC for email marketing and some marketing automation. Right now I was planning to set up my clients under master lists or at least client sublists with tagging under a master account. Has anyone had success doing this? or is it better to set up accounts for individual clients?

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Hi Morgan —

I haven’t done this personally but just wanted to note that it’s certainly possible but there are a couple concerns to be aware of…

You can do this with lists and segments, but tracking links that go into emails will all use the account’s URL structure. This isn’t a big deal if you send HTML emails, though. Also, any account issues, such as spam complaints, will affect all your clients.

You may want to look into our reseller program - it’s a very unique opportunity to add your one-of-a-kind value to our platform.

Will it be possible to manage all clients accounts from my account? Or I’ll need to login to each one separately?


Just jumping in here real quick. If the account you are referring to is a reseller account, then you’ll be able to access all your clients’ individual accounts from your reseller dashboard.

If you have a normal ActiveCampaign account and you have clients on separate accounts from yours, then you’ll need to log into those accounts separately. An ActiveCampaign account can’t be set up to have access to other accounts.

Let me know if you need any clarification or have any other questions.

Thank you,

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