Move a data in Deal to Accounts


Recently I received a client’s list

and tossed it to my assistant.

She input those list into Deals

by adding a deal

But after this process. I wanted to send emails to my clients by using the list in the Deals

But I can not find a way to merge this list in to the List for campaign

and also I can not find these clients at the Accounts or main contacts at now.

Please give me an advice.

Thank you

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Hi there @lambda256! Thanks for bringing this to our attention.

There are two ways that we can work on getting those contacts into a list for you to send campaigns to:

  1. Reimport this list of contacts as contacts rather than deals: Importing contacts (video). When re-importing the contacts, please make sure to choose a list that you want them to be subscribed to and click the ‘Update existing contacts while importing’ box on the bottom Left. This process allows you to simply update the existing contacts in your account and subscribe them to a list where you can easily search for them later.

  2. Search for the contacts using Advanced Search, by the Pipeline and Deal Stage that the contacts were imported into: How to use the Advanced Search (video). Once you have found the contacts within your account, you can use the Bulk Editor to subscribe the contacts to a list so you can find them later: Edit multiple contacts with the Bulk Editor.

I hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any additional questions!

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