Monthly Product Update: February

Product Releases - February 2020

Want to stay up to date on what’s new and improved in your ActiveCampaign account? Here, we share brand new features, enhancements and platform performance improvements every month.

Below we list the top product releases from February 2020.


Conversations :speech_balloon:

New: Welcome Message for the chat widget

Chat needs to be both proactive and reactive. You now have the ability to grab the attention of website visitors by displaying a proactive message that will encourage engagement with the web chat widget. This message can be created and managed within the Conversations’ settings page.

Available to all accounts with Conversations.

Contacts :card_index:

Enhancement: Configurable Contact Exports

You can now choose which information you’d like included in your exports, allowing for more flexibility. Default fields always included, but you can choose whether to include tags, lists, custom fields, accounts, and contact scores.

Available to all accounts.

Mobile :iphone:

New: iOS - Campaign Reporting Details

Available on iOS, you can now dive into details for sent campaigns. You can access performance metrics (such as unique opens, unique clicks broken down by link, revenue, etc), toggle between split test messages and see if a winner has been determined, see the last time an automation email was sent. This also includes the ability to preview emails and view configuration details (i.e. subject, preheader).

Available to all accounts.

New: Android - View recently created Contacts and Accounts:

When you access the Contact tab, you will now see a list of recently created Contacts and Accounts you have permission to view sorted by most recent create date. We limit this to 100 Contacts and 100 Accounts.

Previously, you could only search for individual contacts or accounts. Now, you can quickly access recent Contacts or Accounts which allows you to be proactive and reduce time to action with new prospects.

Available to all accounts.

Enhancement: Ecommerce widget surfaced in the visitor detail pane.

For Conversations accounts that have an eCommerce deep data integration, you will now be able to see an overview of a contact’s previous order history as well as abandoned cart information all within the context of the Conversations inbox.

If a known visitor has eCommerce data, a new widget will dynamically display within the visitor detail pane providing the following:

  • Total Revenue; Total # of Orders, and Average Order Value
  • Order search box to quickly search a contact’s order history
  • Order snapshots that will provide an overview of the details for that specific order.

Available to all Conversations accounts with eCommerce deep data integration.

Enhancement: Deals widget in the visitor detail pane

For users leveraging Deals, a new widget will be exposed within the visitor detail pane for known visitors, providing a seamless experience between the CRM and Conversations inbox. You can now pick up a conversation fully informed on the relevant background of the visitor or quickly add them to a pipeline during a conversation.

Available to all Conversations customers with Deals access and permissions.

Automations :link:

  • Enhancement: Update Date Based Trigger includes Deal Fields

The date-based automation trigger now includes Deal Date fields (standard and custom) allowing users to trigger automations around values like forecasted close, renewal, or next call dates.

Available to all Plus and above plan tiers.

Ecommerce :shopping_cart:

Enhancement: New segment conditions for your connected eCommerce stores.

If you have multiple eCommerce stores connected to your ActiveCampaign account you can now segment the following by each store:

The following eCommerce segment conditions now allow filtering by all stores that are connected to the ActiveCampaign account:

  • Has made a purchase / Has not made a purchase
  • Has opted into marketing / Has not opted into marketing
  • Has abandoned cart / Does not have abandoned cart (BigCommerce and Square stores will not be available for these conditions)
  • Has recovered abandoned cart / Has not recovered abandoned cart (BigCommerce and Square stores will not be available for these conditions)

Available to all accounts with connected eCommerce deep data stores.

What do you think of February’s releases? Comment below with your thoughts and watch this space for more product release updates monthly throughout the year.