Monthly Product Update: December

Monthly Product Update: December

Want to stay up to date on what’s new and improved in your ActiveCampaign account? Here, we share brand new features, enhancements and platform performance improvements every month.

Below we list the top product releases from December 2019.


Announcements :loudspeaker:

Before we look at Product updates from December, here are some key activities this January.

  • Interested in building with ActiveCampaign? We’re inviting developers to help us change the way businesses create amazing, one-to-one personalized experiences to deepen meaningful relationships with their customers.
    Find out how to build with us.

  • Our Study Hall events are where ActiveCampaign experts and staff come to you to share best practices so you can focus on growing your business. Check for upcoming Study Halls at your location.

Integrations :link:

New: Unbounce Integration with ActiveCampaign

  • What is it? You can now seamlessly connect Unbounce to your Activecampaign account without the need for third-party integrations.
  • How is it Useful? This native integration captures data from any number of Unbounce landing pages and pulls the information into ActiveCampaign. You can then use this information to create meaningful and personalized actions and communications from your ActiveCampaign account.
    Log into your ActiveCampaign account and find Unbounce in the Apps section to set it up.

New: Calendly Integration

  • What is it? With ActiveCampaign’s native Calendly integration, you can connect your Calendly account to your ActiveCampaign account without the need for third-party connection tools.

How is it useful? This will add or update contacts within ActiveCampaign whenever a meeting is booked in Calendly. You can map key event information from each booked meeting (such as start time, contact name and email, and event name) to standard and custom fields on the contact details page. Plus, with automations you can update deals in your pipeline and send personalized, follow-up messages to boost sales productivity and close more deals faster.

CRM :clipboard:

Update: Contacts Exporting

  • What is it? We’ve made improvements to exporting contacts in terms of usability and experience using the tool.
    • Exports will run faster and no longer face any timeouts due to backend improvement.
    • We’ve created an export page where you can navigate to view, download and rerun recent exports.
  • How is it useful? Now you can export faster and allow exporting to happen in the background so you can navigate away or close your browser. Log into your ActiveCampaign account and find Calendly in the Apps section to set it up.

New: Deals for Accounts

  • What is it? We now offer users the flexibility to manage their CRM in a way that works best works for their business. Deals for Accounts is the B2B-friendly way to manage your customer relationships.
  • How is it useful? With Accounts, users can now market and sell to customers business to business—and see which contacts are associated with each customer. It also lets folks create a deal on an account with multiple contacts so that you can have one deal, yet see all the different contacts that you’ll need to interact with to close that deal.

Update: Deal Detail Page

  • What is it? We’ve also updated the Deal Detail page to provide a more efficient method to capture and find critical information, identify key contacts, and ultimately win more deals.
  • How is it useful? Here are some of the key feature enhancements to the page:
    • Field grouping for deal fields
    • Ability to assign Roles to contacts on a deal
    • Visibility into how long a deal has been in each stage
    • Auto-saving of deal notes
    • Capturing the Forecasted Close Date of a deal

Reports :chart_with_upwards_trend:
New: Forecast Reporting

  • What is it? We’ve rolled out a new report that will allow you to forecast your business by leveraging the historical forecast accuracy of your team.
  • How is it useful? By using the new Forecasted Close Date field in the CRM, you can project your future business and understand whether your team is on target to hit your sales goals. This will empower you to know not only what’s in your pipeline, but be able to discern what’s actually expected to close.

Mobile :iphone:

Update: Apple iOS and Android Mobile enhancements

Deal updates:

  • What is it? Updates to the deal interface that now show the contact or account associated with the deal and improved on the filtering experience.
  • Why is it useful? You can save time by being able to more easily identify the deal you’re looking for with key details such as the primary contact or the account associated with the Deal. With the updated filtering design, it is clear whether or not you have a filter applied and you can ensure all expected deals are visible.

Task Management Enhancements (Android):

  • What is it? When editing a task, you can now select who you would like to assign the task to. Also, task due dates now respects the user’s local timezone.

View recently created Contacts and Accounts (iOS):

  • What is it? When you access the Contact tab, you will now see a list of recently created Contacts and Accounts sorted by the most recent creation date.
  • Why is it useful? Closing deals can be a time-sensitive manner. Reduce time to action by easily identifying new prospects to get in touch with.

New: Mobile Campaign Reporting Beta (iOS)

  • What is it? This initial release introduces a Campaigns tab that surfaces the most recently sent Campaigns along with the open rate, click rate, and unsubscribe-rate.
    • In order to access this tab, you must have Campaign reporting permissions.
    • This view is currently available on iOS only and is coming soon to Android!
  • Why is it useful? Having the ability to access your campaign reporting from anywhere gives you the freedom to work flexibly and know how your audience is interacting with your campaign.
  • Coming soon: Campaign report details and much more. In the meantime, we welcome all feedback through the survey link available in the current view or reach out directly to us at, we would love to speak with you!

What do you think of December’s releases? Comment below with your thoughts and watch this space for more product release updates monthly in 2020!