đź‘‹ Meet our Superusers: Robert Segelquist

:wave: Introducing…Robert Segelquist, ActiveCampaign Superuser!

Superusers play a significant role in keeping our community a positive and supportive space for everyone. They are ActiveCampaign experts who are available in the platform to start discussions and help you find answers to your questions. You’ll see them around community a lot—learn a little more about them below!

Name: Robert Segelquist LinkedIn
Location: Houston, TX
Company: Find Lost Revenue

What is your business background?
Started in web design, moved more into the tech side of things.

Landed in a spot where I spend most of my time building revenue driving systems on the back end of businesses - Email & SMS.

As well as handling a number of things in the deliverability and technical side of email.

Why do you participate as an ActiveCampaign Superuser?
Enjoy helping folks identify what their problem really is and then solve for it.

What is your favorite ActiveCampaign feature, automation, or trick?:
Up until engagement tracking was implemented, I had a pretty solid system for that…

Now I’d have to say complex Advanced Searches are one of my favorite toys in the toy box.

Anything else we should know about you?
If it ever comes across that I’m being a jerk or grilling you on a question, I’m just trying to get to the root of your problem and make a logical/business case rather than an emotional “I want it” that will not provide value.

Drop a comment and say hello to @RobertSegelquist below!


Welcome, Robert!!! :wave:

Howdy @RobertSegelquist. Finally decided to come and play here. Good to see you. Cheers.

Good to see you here, Robert!
And I completely agree with you about the importance of asking questions to solve problems. :raised_hand: