đź‘‹ Meet our Superusers: Jovana Vujnic

:wave: Introducing…Jovana Vujnic, ActiveCampaign Superuser!

Superusers play a significant role in keeping our community a positive and supportive space for everyone. They are ActiveCampaign experts who are available in the platform to start discussions and help you find answers to your questions. You’ll see them around community a lot—learn a little more about them below!

Name: Jovana Vujnic LinkedIn
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Company: Chief Automation Officer at Bumper Leads

What is your business background?
I used to hold corporate roles in Procurement and Supply Chain in IT, Construction, FMCG and also ran my own ecommerce store before starting Bumper Leads where I do automation strategy consulting for small business owners. I’m also a host of Marketing Automation Made Simple Podcast and love sharing my know how on how to automate responsibly.

Why do you participate as an ActiveCampaign Superuser?
We’ve been using ActiveCampaign since 2016, and have seen the platform grow and grow; and I feel like we’ve grown with it. We see ActiveCampaign as a leader in the marketing automation space and witnessed how it transformed our clients businesses. We want to help more businesses discover the power of ActiveCampaign.

What is your favorite ActiveCampaign feature, automation, or trick?:
Deal based and date based triggered automations! For the deal based triggered automations, especially love using the “deal role is” OR “deal owner is/isn’t” as a filter - it’s been a game changer for our clients.

Anything else we should know about you?
I have a twin sister, have travelled to over 260 cities, love cats and my beach life in Australia

Drop a comment and say hello to Jovana below!

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Hey Jovana. Glad you could make it. Cheers.

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@JovanaVujnic I am amazed that you have traveled to over 260 cities! If you had to pick, what are your favorites?

Hi Jovana! So happy to see you here!