đź‘‹ Meet our Superusers: Benjamin Smith

:wave: Introducing…Benjamin Smith, ActiveCampaign Superuser!

Superusers play a significant role in keeping our community a positive and supportive space for everyone. They are ActiveCampaign experts who are available in the platform to start discussions and help you find answers to your questions. You’ll see them around community a lot—learn a little more about them below!

Ben Smith headshot (3) - Benjamin Smith

Name: Benjamin Smith (he/him) LinkedIn
Location: Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Company: LeadFlow, Founder/Consultant

What is your business background?
I’m a former corporate marketing leader and do-er who now enjoys the flexibility of working on a wide range of projects. Now I get energized helping small teams do big business. I love being able to visualize things and then bring it to life. IDEAS + EXECUTION is my superpower.

Why do you participate as an ActiveCampaign Superuser?
I like solving problems and helping people. I can quickly understand different businesses and their needs and then show how ActiveCampaign can do what you need. Some of my best advice that I share in the community happens when I’m waiting in carpool line or at the baseball field.

What is your favorite ActiveCampaign feature, automation, or trick?:
Only one? That is tough so I’ll share a simple yet overlooked one - using an autoresponder to deliver that 1st email to a new contact lightning quick so that it pops up almost immediately after they fill out a form or sign up to join your list. The email usually pops up as a notification while they are still on their screen and leads to huge open rates and with the right message, huge clicks too. This sets you up for inbox success from the start.

Anything else we should know about you?
You should connect with me on LinkedIn. If we talk, I’ll probably tell you that you aren’t focusing on LinkedIn enough and that you should use the time you save with marketing automation to go create more content. Ask me about my concept I’ve called the Email + LinkedIn Flywheel.

Drop a comment and say hello to Ben below!


Great to have you here @leadflowagency!

Benjamin is stellar! :raised_hands:

Benjamin!!! I’m glad I made it. I didn’t want to miss out on anything exciting. @leadflowagency