Media Folders not visible to other users

What are we doing wrong, my team are admins but they cannot see the media library folders I have created to manage the images in the templates.


I have the same question.

Any answer to this question? I am having the same issue.

Hi all,

This is not a capability that ActiveCampaign currently offers. As a workaround for now, you could use a shared drive such as Dropbox or Google Drive so that your marketing team members who are not users in AC can also access these images.


Just inquiring whether there has been any update on this needed functionality?

Adding another request for this one - we have quite a back catalogue of images we use multiple times, and as we bring a new user in, they have to start from scratch.

I’m adding another request for this one too, because it would be a very helpful feature.

This request is 2 years old and there is still no way to have shared images in the Media Manager? Come on. This is such basic functionality I’m surprised it hasn’t been fixed. Having to go upload images to a shared folder somewhere else to use is so frustrating when you have multiple people editing a draft campaign.

Hey there! Yes, this function is still unavailable at this time. Feel free to request this here in our ideas portal.