Legacy email designer to new designer

Hello, I have an automation with 20 or more emails that sends over a few months. Some of the emails are the legacy designer, some are the new design. I’m making some updates to style and would like to use the saved modules so I don’t have to recreate sections multiple times. Is it possible to convert the legacy designer emails into the new designer so I can use those saved modules? Or is it a manual conversion? Was just hoping I could toggle an option to move it over. Thanks!

Unfortunately it’s not possible to convert from Classic to new via any sort of automated process.

There are some workflows we’ve developed that speed things up, but it’s a manual job.

Would you be able to share the workflows? No worries if not but figured I’d ask. Thanks for the reply regardless.

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I’m an ActiveCampaign training specialist, and teach the workflows for members of my ActiveCampaign Academy.

Info here - training, resources and support for email designer is in our Essential level, and one month would be enough to grab the bits you need on this.