Leadgen technique: WordPress comments powered via chatbot & feeding into ActiveCampaign

For anyone using WordPress I created a tutorial showing how to make your WordPress blog comments powered via chatbot using an entirely open source stack of tools. You setup a conversational bot to solicit comments and then piggyback that with additional qualifying questions to turn these commenters into enriched ActiveCampaign leads.

Why would you want to do this?

  • Make the commenting experience more conversational and engaging for your readers
  • Ask predefined questions and learn more about who your readers are and what they want
  • Pipe these leads into AC automatically and segment them based on their answers
  • Post the comment portion of the chat back to WordPress so it’s handled as a standard WP comment and contributes to SEO

You can do sophisticated stuff with the LLM nodes and conditional logic in the chat bot but this is a basic tutorial on how set up the most vanilla version end-to-end using all freely available tools. It uses TypeBot, N8n, Google Sheets, WordPress and ActiveCampaign. Let me know if you have any questions on anything.

This is fantastic!! :raised_hands:

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thx @MegMurphy glad you like it. Lmk if you have any Q’s on anything :raised_hands:

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Absolutely! Will do!