Know when a contact tag is removed

Is there a way to know from the API when a tag was removed from a contact? We recently cleaned up our configuration to change from lists to tags. While having too many lists is overwhelming to know who is truly active, it was nice to know when someone unsubscribed from a list. Looking for a way to get data that replicates this but with tags.


This is best done through webhooks. You can set this up by going to SETTINGS → DEVELOPER → MANAGE WEBHOOKS (Image 11-10-2022 at 1.55 PM)

Build your webhook, and have it send contact data when a tag is removed:
Shared with CloudApp

It will then send the contact data to that endpoint, if a tag is removed.

Bummer. Do you have suggested resources on how to set up a server to catch webhooks or suggested vendors that could help implement?

You could set up an automation with a start-trigger of unsubscribing: Image 11-11-2022 at 12.07 PM and add/remove tags accordingly.

Another idea is to get the current state of a Contact, as discussed here: Retrieve opt ins, opt outs or bounces since a specific date