Just stopped by to say 'Hello.'

Hi. I just signed up today.

I’m a novelist, hoping to use AC to do some CRM on my readers, and lean more about how AC works.

I’m having a little trouble knowing how the email spam things works. I have a gmail account. The spam filter says something about gmail and free accounts, etc. Is that always there? Also, when a contact emails me back, does it come into AC? If so, what’s my actual email address inside AC?

I know these are Newbie questions. Sorry.

Lewis Faulkner

Welcome @lewspeare! Happy to answer some questions.

It’s recommended to use your own domain, rather than a free email service like Gmail, to prevent the possibility of spam complaints. This notice will show up if you continue to use a Gmail address. You can read all about setting up a domain here.

As far as contact replies, this article on reply tracking should answer your questions. By default, reply tracking is turned off for all campaigns and automation emails.

No need to apologize, all questions are welcomed! Feel free to browse our Education Center for any additional getting started questions you may have.

Thanks. This has been a great help!!

This has so helped me. I didn’t know I had the ability to create a webmail email on my own website!-- what a dummy. I have now done that.

Now, though, I have set everything up in AC under myname@gmail.com

What things do I need to do now that I have a paid email account to switch that over in my AC account?

Thanks again!


Great question Lewis! To change the email address for your account login, you can send a request to the Support team and they can help with that.

To set up the ‘From’ email address, you can do so from the Campaign’s summary page. It is not possible to set a default account-wide or list-specific “From” name or email address. Any newly created campaigns will use the same “From” name and email address as your most recently sent campaign by default.

Hope this helps!

Thanks again! I really do appreciating you helping me on this.

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