Join the waitlist to get early access to our new email editor!

The moment you’ve all been waiting for is finally here…

We’re updating our email designer! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:

This new builder will offer the best possible experience as you work to better understand and engage with your customers and will be available to all plan tiers at no additional cost.

And, because you’re a member of the ActiveCampaign community, you can join the early access waitlist RIGHT NOW!!

Here’s what you can expect from the updates:

  • A flexible UI that lets you easily toggle between HTML and drag-and-drop options, resize columns and layouts, and more reliable formatting and rendering for the best email experience possible.
  • Predefined elements that let you easily create layouts in just a few clicks
  • The ability to connect your emails to multi-step automation workflows so that you can tailor each of your customers’ experiences to their actions, preferences, and behaviors.

…and so much more!

Who’s excited??? :clap::star_struck:



Are there any updates about the new email editor? Any estimates for launch?

Any updates on this?

Am I the only person who’s using this forum?
@ACMolly ?

@MikelisBerzins You will gain access soon—once it’s live in your account you will receive an email letting you know. We are continually building out the new designer to make it the best experience possible, especially in the early days. In the meantime, keep an eye out for the upcoming webinar next week where we’ll go over what’s coming and how the new designer will impact users.