Is there a way to get a UNIQUE REPLY to address?

Often, I send out a newsletter to 4000 people and get a bunch of replies but they are all stacked together in one gmail thread because they all have the same SUBJECT.

I’d prefer that it “look” like the replies were coming from individual people.

Maybe the solution is for me to put their name in the Subject?

“Bob, here’s the info you requested”
“Jane, here’s the info…”

Any other thoughts?
I think I’ve seen some other CRM software that had some trick to deal with that.

Hi Clay (@bungalowsoftware),

The first name will help with reply tracking and when reply tracking is turned on it will create a unique “Reply To” email address. To read more on reply tracking check out this doc.


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Hey bungalowsoftware,

Biannca here from our CX team :wave:

Aside from checking the replies in your inbox, you can also check out the Reply Report under Campaigns, see screenshot For more information, see our help guide.

Please don’t hesitate to reply back out or email us at if you have any further questions.