I'm Big Jason, and I make ActiveCampaign "sing"

Hey everybunny!

Been doing email marketing since 1996… I was playing professional basketball overseas when I realized this internet thing was legit.

I attended the very first MarketingSherpa Email Summit in 2006, and I’ve attended every single one for the last ten years (Chicago, Miami, Vegas). Spoke one year too and have taken the MECLAB workshop/certifications in email marketing optimization, value proposition development, landing page optimization over and over again the last 5 years.

During this time, I’ve used the big guys like Exactarget, Lyris, SilverPop, BlueHornet. Used the mid-tiers like ConfusionSoft and OntraPort. Also used the bottom of the barrel esps like Anever, NoContact, NoResponse.

ActiveCampaign has been my favorite by far. It does things even the juggernauts of esps don’t do. The big guys are super powerful, but they require 2+, full-time engineers to run and manage. Regardless of monthly “cost”, ActiveCampaign is deliriously inexpensive compared to the big esps too. And this includes larger lists.

One of my favorite things is behavioral targeting. This is why I created AC Power Tools to extend ActiveCampaign’s powers throughout a sales funnel. Some of the features include tagging by link click throughout your website (and even third-party landing page systems like ClickFunnels), advanced (and automated) abandoned basket series, tagging by file download, tagging based on percentage of video watched, ability for contacts to remove themselves from specific automations, and more.

I recently released a plugin to track how much of each video your contacts watch and add tags, add to lists, automations and more. It works with YouTube, Wistia, and Vimeo.

Checkout AC Video Tracker here…


To top it all off, ActiveCampaign has had the coolest staff I ever did see.

I’m recommending it for all my clients when they hire me to run their product launches, write their email campaigns, optimize their entire email marketing strategy, improve deliverability, and more.

Rock on,


Great to meet you Jason!

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Likewise Stephan. Appreciate it.

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Great to get a better overview of what you do Jason, might be able to refer some clients your way because we only focus on tech implementation - no strategy or copywriting.


Thanks Carl. Appreciate it.

Hi @breakthroughemailmar, I’ve been on your site (AC Power Tools), I’m not sure what products you actually have though. A lot seem to have ‘coming soon/under dev’. Do you have a list of all available features please?

Hi Jason, great to meet you. I’m new to AC but LOVING it so far, and looking forward to learning clever things to use AC for. Do you have training on the AC Power Tools?

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Hi Jason
I have watched a few of your videos and read forums. I need help with placing tracking codes on my 4 segmented automation the right way to link back into shopping cart purchases. Let me know if this is something you can do to help and how much you charge. thanks, cyndi

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Hit me up on Skype @ bigmarketing

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