I’m Peter from Amsterdam building an online eBook reader that integrates with AC

Hi all!

I’ve been building websites for about 15 years. Especially liked b2b clients. Started a simple marketing automation SaaS last year out of that. Pivoted to an online eBook publishing/reading platform that integrates with a couple of the marketing automation platforms out there.

The main benefits are that it is possible to opt-in in the eBook itself after reading a ‘free’ part so you don’t need a landing page and visitors can start reading right away. A lot of reading events get tracked so you can see the performance of your book and trigger automations. The reader works well on smart phones too.

Absolutely loving ActiveCampaign and starting to use it as our marketing automation platform and our CRM. So did my first test this morning where I got a notification when a reader read more than 50%. Made me smile, haha.

If you use ebooks, white paper and reports in your marketing, let me know. Would love to find out if we can get you better results leveraging our platform.


Hey @peter!

Welcome! What’s the name of your platform, I’m always interested in what our users have created.

Also, hearing about your first successful test made my day. What more do you plan to do with the AC platform?

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Thanks so much @ted!

The name is Pagy, you can have a look at http://getpagy.com you will find a demo over there.

Haha great to read! So we are automating all of our marketing right now for our own business, in AC. As fas as connectivity with Pagy, we have couple of things implemented:

  • tracking initial loading of the ebook
  • subscribing to a list from inside the ebook
  • tracking 10, 20, 30 etc. percent of completion

Ideas for now are:

  • tracking total time spent reading
  • tracking people start to fill out forms for an offer, but don’t complete
  • track it when they use the share functionality
  • there is a possibility to rate parts, so we track that as well.
  • another interesting insight is where readers spend the most time, so you can find out what they find most interesting

We try to build it lean, so we are only implementing functionality that is asked of us. :slight_smile: