How We Use Automations + Deals For Our Online Education Business

Hi everyone! I just wanted to contribute to this community forum with my tips and tricks on how to run ActiveCampaign automations in conjunction with the Deals CRM. We are running an online course business, but this will be applicable to all types of businesses.

So first, we generate an actual lead before they make their way to the CRM. It’s super important for us to only spend time on people who might actually buy something from us.

How do these hot leads go into the CRM?

  1. If their engagement level is high. We use Lead Scoring automations for that. For example, when someone replies to an email, visits a checkout page, visits a sales page, clicks on a link in an email, or even reads an email, they get engagement points. Once they go over a specific engagment score, there is another automation that pushes them to the CRM to a “Potential Client” bucket.

*It’s really important to install the ActiveCampaign WordPress plugin to track the engagement scores of the users that are already in your database.

  1. If they come from a lead generation form, it means there’s high interest, so there’s an automation that adds them to the CRM as well.

  2. We also have inbound leads (calls, direct messages, chatbot conversations etc.), so in this case, we add the leads to the automations manually.

When the leads are addend to the CRM pipeline, the next step in the automation is to create an automatic follow up task for one of the members of our customer support team. In AC, you can assign these tasks on a rotating basis, which is great if you have a larger team.

The goal is to move the leads through different stages of the buyer’s journey. They start as “potential clients” but then, they move to “became a client” (here, we make sure to support them and get them into an onboarding automation), then to “completed a course”, and then, to “certificate sent”. This is specific to our business, but there are various stages in each business to the principle is still valid.

It’s super important to create automations that help you manage your CRM better so you don’t have to manually move your contacts from stage to stage. It should all happen automatically, based on the actions that your contacts take.

I hope this helps. Good luck, and feel free to share some extra tips!

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