How we use ActiveCampaign to engage new customers through automation

We use ActiveCampaign to engage new customers through an onboarding email sequence. Our users have to be manually entered into the system which makes our process a little different.

First, we import new contacts. I created Custom Fields for customers and fill those in when importing. These include things like customer ID, customer sales contact, and which automation sequence to start them in.

After they are imported, the automation checks for the Custom Fields that have been entered. If “yes” is by the name of the automation, it enters them into the automation.

I then added a Wait Until Conditions Are Met to make sure the email does not go until the following business day and only between certain hours.

We have a different email sequence for several different industries, so the automation checks for Tags on the email sequence. For example, the condition, “Does the contact match the following conditions - Site registration is advertising” will send the contact down an advertising email welcome sequence.

The welcome sequence allows us to convey a lot of information over time, rather then springing everything on them at once. It also lets us include how-to videos, and other site details. By adding a o5-day time delay it also allows us to remind them about the thing they signed up for and hope to spring off the initial enthusiasm.

The other thing I like in our sequence is the ability to add the new contacts to new marketing lists. The final condition, “Does the contact match the following conditions” - then subscribe to x list. It’s allowed us to do some complex things with a variety of customers and provide more value to them through a guided walkthrough of how they could use our products.


Thanks for sharing, these are great tips :slight_smile:

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Perfect example of how to turn new customers into loyal customers! Thank you!

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