How we use active campaigns to personalise the way we manage crm and leads!

When it comes to marketing our real estate portfolio at Perth New Homes, we had a unique challenge. We needed a personalized way to manage our customer relationships and effectively communicate the value proposition of our portfolio to potential homeowners. ActiveCampaign came as a perfect tool to help us streamline our operations and significantly boost our leads.

We faced profound challenges contacting and tracking leads. Some of these issues were converting cold leads into warm leads, understanding clients’ needs, and sending personalized follow-up messages. There was an evident need for a system that would help us nurture our leads by knowing when and how to reach out, keeping track of each one’s conversation, interests, and needs.

We turned to ActiveCampaign to combat this exact problem. ActiveCampaign’s CRM features turned out to be a game-changer for our business. Its automation feature allowed us to send out targeted and personalized follow-ups. We were able to track and stay on top of our communication with the clients.

Most importantly, ActiveCampaign’s capability to score leads based on users’ actions helped us prioritize and know which leads are ready to convert. The analytics feature enabled us to get insights about our marketing performance, guiding us to make strategic and informed decisions.

Heres how you can get started -

  1. Signup and Set-Up:

    Start by signing up for an ActiveCampaign account. Choose a plan that suits your business size and needs.

  2. Import Contact Details:

    Import your contact list into ActiveCampaign. You can then segment your audience based on demographics, engagements, or purchase history.

  3. Set Up Automated Email Campaigns:

    Use the automated campaign feature to set up personalized follow-up emails. By doing so, you ensure that none of your clients or leads are forgotten.

  4. Lead Scoring:

    Establish lead scoring rules in ActiveCampaign. Based on user interaction and engagement, assign points to prioritize and focus on your most valuable leads.

  5. Feed Tracking:

    Use the feed tracking feature to stay on top of your conversations with clients and leads.

  6. Analytics:

Regularly check your analytics and performance reports to understand your marketing effectiveness and areas of improvement.

Perth New Homes can confidently stand behind ActiveCampaign for its unmatched ability to help businesses like us nurture their leads and stay at the top of our game in the real estate industry. Our sales have been consistently skyrocketing since adopting ActiveCampaign. It is a highly recommended tool for any business that seeks to leverage the power of CRM and Email Marketing automation.


Great tips, thanks for sharing with so much detail!

Love this relationship management!