How to Send Weekly Blogs/ Newsletters?

Maybe I am new here. All I need to do is create lists, and send my weekly blog to people in the lists. Is there a simple get started help? All I see is automation and what is a newsletter and all that. My site is not and will not be integrated with ac. I will be adding contacts and lists manually. All I need is send weekly emails to folks in the list. Can someone please point to a specific help page which actually lists the steps to create a campaign and send it to a list?

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Hey there! Sorry we missed this when it was originally published, but in the spirit of providing insight on this question, I’ll be happy to take a look!

You can totally achieve this with automations! You can set the automation triggers to “subscribes to list” so every time they enter the list also enter the automation. Once there, you can use either a goal or wait step to look for you to set the time/day you want to send your email and then add the email actions. I locate a great automation template that you can totally implement to set up your weekly newsletter smoothly. To check it out, please click HERE.

Keep us posted if anything comes up along the way, and wishing you endless success with ActiveCampaign!