You’re not overlooking anything, that’s not possible at the moment, but that’s great feedback.
I’ve got two alternatives for you…
You can do an Advanced Search for opens of campaigns and clicks on campaign links until you’ve winnowed your list down to a small segment of highly engaged contacts and then create a segment out of that.
You can use scoring to identify your top contacts by engagement by incrementally increasing their score each time a campaign is opened, link is clicked, web page is visited, etc.
Am I missing something? I’m using the scoring feature, but I can’t find a way using Advanced Search on the Contacts page to find contacts with a score above a certain number. Engagement score doesn’t seem to be a parameter in Advanced Search.
HOW IS THIS STILL NOT A THING? This person here and I can not be the only people looking to be able to export a .csv of our most active clients from the top contacts page?
Hello there! You can use the Engagement Tagging automation recipes to identify your top contacts with tag based on their engagement. That way you’ll easily filter the current top contacts and be able to export them.