How to report on lost deals

I want to be able to track why deals are lost and create a report on deals lost reasons, is anyone able to give advice on how to do this?

With the Deal Overview report, you can view the performance of your sales team over time. This report will show all deals created, marked as Won, and marked as Lost by you and your Deal Owners.

There are two ways to access the Deal Overview report:

  1. The first way is to click “Reports” on the left menu. Then click “Deals”> “Deal Overview.”
  2. The second way is to click “Deals” on the left menu, then click “Deal Overview.”

The Statistics Dashboard is located toward the top of your page under the report filters:


This dashboard will load values associated with Deals created, Deals Won, and Deals Lost. (These values displayed are dependent upon the filters selected.)

You can also view the information on this dashboard by clicking any of the radio buttons located to the left of the Statistics dashboard:

  • Total number: Will display the total number of deals created, Won, and Lost
  • Total $: Total value of the deals created, Won, and Lost
  • Avg $: Average value of the deals created, Won, and Lost