How to quickly collect great stories to use in your emails

“Use stories in your emails” they said.

“Great - I’m up for it” you said.

… tumbleweeds blew …

Because how are normal humans supposed to get enough good-enough stories to use in their email marketing?!

:arrow_right: I’m sharing my story stash secrets, right here right now.

Real life friends will have seen this play out - I get a far away look in my eyes, grab a weirdo picture and dictate email-related gobbledegook into my phone.

If you’re curious on what makes me behave like this in public, watch this short YouTube on how to build a bottomless stash of stories to use in your email marketing.

(featuring the secret orchid, lost but not lost airpods, some very strangled plants, and split tested curly hair)

If I can do it, you can do it - and your email marketing strategy will be better for it.

:arrow_down: Watch > Like > Comment > Subscribe > Share :arrow_down:


Thanks for letting us into your thought process, @KayPeacey! Love these ideas for stashing stories and preparing content for emails.

Also, plant death by strangulation has me thinking I have a few I need to repot…thanks for the inspo :slight_smile: :potted_plant:

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