How to Customize Form Submit Button With Image?

Continuing the discussion from How To Customize Form Submit Button?:

Hi AC community!

Does anyone know how to replace the “Submit” button in an Optin Form with a custom image? I’m assuming it can be done using CSS but I don’t know how to write the necessary code.

And it if can be done, is there any reason why it might not be advisable? E.g. potential compatibility issues with some browsers - because anything that might cause problems with submitting the optin form would obviously be counter productive.

I know how to change the text on the Submit button and thanks to @thedigitalnavigator replying on a similar thread, I have the CSS to center the button and change the font size (copied below if anyone is looking for it):

._submit {text-align: center; font-size: 20px; display: block; margin: auto;}

This would normally give me all the customization options I need but I have a new client who would ideally like to use a custom image/button. She’s done this with Aweber optin forms previously and has an image that includes the submit button text in a custom font with a small logo. She’s switching from Aweber to AC and I’m supporting her with the change over, including replacing the optin forms on her website. The only thing I don’t know how to do is replace the AC submit button with her image.

If any of you know how to write the CSS for this I’d greatly appreciate you sharing the sample code.

Any advice on whether this idea is workable would also be also appreciated. Above all else I want her optin forms to work, so if it’s a choice between a “Submit” button that works seamlessly or a custom Image/Button that might cause problems we’ll obviously stick with option 1.

Thanks in advance


I’d really like to know how to do that to!
Same exact situation!
I just migrated from AWeber! :wink:

I’m having the same exact situation. Has anyone found any solution yet?

Hello there! Just wanted to add some extra sources when it comes to these type of concerns.
Although our team doesn’t offer custom coding support/troubleshooting. We do have a certified consultants program where you can choose from a great directory of experts in the matter and other areas regarding your ActiveCampaign account, In case you are interested in hiring or even becoming part of our certified consultants. To check it out, please click HERE.