How to align radio buttons horizontally in a form?

It looks like radio buttons are by default vertically aligned, i.e. they appear under each other.
How to get them horizontally aligned, i.e. next to each other?

I assume it needs to be done through CSS, but what to specify there?

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Your assumption is correct. In order to horizontally align the radio buttons that would be done through CSS. To find out what to specify there go ahead and reach out to our consultants:

Hope that helps,


I am disappointed that such a basic question is not answered by ActiveCampaign itself, but that I am referred to external consultants.
I find that rather poor.
Anybody else perhaps an advice how to align radio buttons horizontally?

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Hi @modelentertainmentse,

I totally understand that aligning radio buttons horizontally seems like a basic question. But, within ActiveCampaign the only way to do that currently is through CSS, which our consultants are available to assist with. I would however, recommend submitting your feedback to our product team so that they can take it into consideration when updating the platform.

Also, found a CSS creator online for making horizontal radio buttons that I think may work if you want to give that a try.

Sorry again for any inconveniences,


Did anyone ever figure this out?

Hi @modelentertainmentse,

I recently started to use ActiveCampaign and found your question on the form, and wanted to let you know that you can use the “Inspector” to select one of the radio elements and then insert this code to horizontally align the radio buttons. It should look something like this…

._field28 ._row {
text-align: center;
display: inline;

Hi @osteostrongatx,

You can try using this code, just make sure to replace the id element with your own inspected id. I hope that works for you!

._field28 ._row {
text-align: center;
display: inline;