How I use automations to onboard new customers and manage leads

I have an online yoga membership and I also sell online courses. When a new user creates an account in my membership platform, either as a paying member with a 7-day free trial, a paying customer for a course, or a lead, I need to make sure I communicate the features and benefits of the relevant product to make sure that they get the most out of their experience for retention (paid members) or conversion (leads). The communications need to be tailored depending on the purchase type/lead which adds complexity. This is where Active Campaigns ability to filter through fields and tags in “if/when” clauses comes in really handy!

When someone creates an account within my membership platform (hosted by Uscreen) either as a lead or a customer, I use Zapier to zap the contact over to Active Campaign. I assign a ‘paid’ tag through zapier if they are a paying customer which then triggers the paid welcome series within Active Campaign. I then need to tailor the comms further because of the different membership levels and courses, so I have created a field in Active Campaign for ‘Product ID’ which gets zapped over with the contact details. I then filter the contacts by ‘Product ID’ using “if/else” clauses so that the customer receives the appropriate information for their product ID.

For Leads, I have created a separate automation, so when they subscribe to the list having created an account, I use the “Wait” clause and then “if/else” to check if the ‘Paid’ tag exists. If it doesn’t exist, then this identifies them as a lead so I use the automation to “add tag” ‘lead’ and send them lead communications to convert them to sale. At each stage of the communication phase, after a “wait” clause, I use “if/else” to check if the ‘Paid’ tag now exists, so to prevent leads who have now converted from receiving further ‘lead’ communications. I also have an automation which removes the ‘lead’ tag when ‘paid’ is added.

Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Create ‘list’ in Active Campaign for all contacts to go into.
  2. Set up Zapier to Zap contacts over to AC, ensuring ‘Paid’ tag and any other identifiers are assigned in order to filter contacts
  3. Create welcome series automation for new customers, with trigger ‘Paid’ tag is added. Use ‘Wait’ for 10 mins as buffer and then filter customers using “if/else” by product ID (or similar). Add as many emails to welcome campaign as needed.
  4. Create welcome series automation for new leads, with trigger ‘Contact subscribes to list’. I have added “wait for 2 hours” to allow people time to purchase. Then use “if/else” to identify is ‘Paid’ tag exists. If Yes, end automation. If No, assign ‘Lead’ tag and then create email series. After each ‘Wait’ clause, use “if/else” to filter anyone who now has ‘Paid’ tag, as they are no longer a lead.
  5. Create automation to remove ‘Lead’ tag when ‘Paid’ is added.

Hope this helps!


These are great tips! Thanks for sharing this!

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Thanks for sharing such a detailed guide, this is great!

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This is awesome! I also want to check out your courses :slight_smile:

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