How I use Automations in my Hot Tub Business

ActiveCampaign is great. It’s an open sandbox that has allowed us to stretch it’s use in pretty unique ways.

Our sales agreements are made in Google Sheets. We then have a code written in the Sheets script editor that sends all sales agreements to a single Google Sheet called our “Quote Report”. Whenever a new row is updated or added to this Sheet, Zapier watches for this and sends the information to ActiveCampaign.

This is one of the ways we get customer information into ActiveCampaign. Once there, the customer goes into a number of automations depending on the stage they are at. If they are quoted but not yet closed, they will go into a series of drip emails and SMS.

If they are closed/sold, they will receive a series of emails and SMS preparing them for the delivery of their spa and educating them on spa ownership. Depending on the spa size and specification, we have automations that watch for these that then add the appropriate tags. These tags trigger automations that help us automatically send our customers specific and relevant information.

We use Podium for our SMS service, and ActiveCampaign lets us send SMS through this service via Webhooks.

We often recieve glowing reviews from our customers for our proactive and helpful communication. Thank you ActiveCampaign! Our small team couldn’t have scaled our business so efficiently these last few years without you.


Sounds like a “Small Team Powering Big Business.” which is ActiveCampaign’s big message.

You could also automate to identify happy customers and funnel them to do reviews & testimonials.

Question - have you looked at using AC’s SMS or configuring one of the 3rd party options like I like Podium but it is expensive. Guess it depends on use case.

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These are great tips, thanks for sharing James!

Love this flow! And this post hooked me with ‘hot tub business’ :slight_smile: